Environmental, Social and Governance
Funosa es una empresa comprometida con la sostenibilidad y la responsabilidad social, integrando principios medioambientales, sociales y de gobernanza (ESG) en todas sus operaciones.
A través de la certificación ISO 14001 y su política proactiva de diseño, Funosa se dedica a la reducción del impacto ambiental mediante la minimización del uso de recursos y energía.
Además, impulsa proyectos como la restauración de la cantera de Can Roca, que ha transformado un terreno abandonado en un espacio verde. Con un fuerte enfoque en la ética y el bienestar social, Funosa busca siempre mejorar tanto su impacto como sus relaciones con las partes interesadas.

Preserving the environment is part of Funosa’s fundamental responsibilities.
This implies not only the compliance with regulations both at the technical and human level, which include compliance with the ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management Standard but also a proactive design policy focused on the reduction of the product weight (less raw materials) and on the minimization of energy consumption.
Funosa is a solid company that respects and fosters processes aimed at ensuring the highest quality, safety and respect for the environment.

Sustainability assessment by ECOVADIS.
Sustainability is the permanent commitment to act responsibly by integrating social and environmental issues into the company’s operations. It goes beyond compliance with legislation to focus on how companies manage their economic, social and environmental impact, as well as their relationships with interested parties (eg employees, business partners or government).
Ecovadis Sustainability certificate
Can Roca restoration
At FUNOSA, we take immense pride in having restored the old Can Roca quarry.
This project has been a monumental environmental restoration effort, transforming a wasteland into a green lung for the community of Òdena and Igualada.
The forest now boasts over 580 trees and an undergrowth covering more than 2,550 square meters.
Corporate social responsibility policy
Sustainable purchasing policy
Integrated Quality and Environmental Policy
Funosa Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct reflects our commitments to meet expectations as a responsible company and includes the fundamental principles and standards regarding ethical business conduct.
Providers Code of Conduct
At Funosa, we believe it is essential to respect these values as basic principles in order to build relationships and grow as a business. Document in progress
Avoid accidents.
Avoid absenteeism.