Casting and evolving since 1916
Spanish leading foundry
At Funosa we are specialized in the design and manufacturing of cast-iron products in both spheroidal graphite iron (GJS) and laminar graphite iron (GJL) for medium and large series productions.
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Last news
New DISAMATIC moulding line.
Funosa acquired a new DISAMATIC D3 Z555 and will be installed next August 2021.
By installing the new DISAMATIC moulding machine, the renovation project of the vertical moulding line, which consists of the installation of the new DISA TM Mixer 285-160 mill together with a sand multi-controller line (SMC) in August 2018, and the installation of the new WHEELABRATOR CT4 blasting installation in August 2019, will be finally completed.

Grant awarded for core shooting machine.
FUNDICIONES DE ODENA, SA has received funding for its energy saving and efficiency project, Efficient Core Shooting, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), coordinated by IDAE and managed by the autonomous communities, with the National Energy Efficiency Fund, with the aim of achieving a cleaner and more sustainable economy. An energy saving and efficiency project has been drawn up consisting of the replacement of 2 core shooter machines for a more efficient core shooter machine. Collaboration from the best equipment manufacturers in the sector has been required, in turn providing us with great energy and environmental savings in the process. Thanks to the project, 53.01 annual toe is saved.